Fax number
Thomaston, GA 30286
7 Days A Week
The Thomaston Hospice Foundation Mission is a non-profit organization founded to help educate individuals and the community in making informed end-of-life decisions and to ease financial hardships of providing care. Our primary service area is limited to the 30 mile radius served by Thomaston Hospice, Inc.
Your contributions allow us to serve our community and continue to provide the compassionate end-of-life cafe that we are known for regardless of an individual’s ability to pay. As a 501 (c) (3) organization, all donations are tax-deductible.
We use the donations to provide services such as community outreach and to assist our patients and their families with unexpected expenses they may face while struggling with a life-limiting illness.
One of the programs that is a success because of community donations is our Annual Bereavement Service. Each year we host an annual bereavement service to pay special remembrance to each patient that we have lost by lighting a candle in their memory. This community event is completely free to family members because of donations that our foundation receives.
“It’s hope and more…. More than traditional healthcare- its providing solutions for difficult times when hope is in question, it’s being close in a time of fear, it’s a friend with time to share, it’s laughter in the midst of tears, it’s dignity…it’s humanity…it’s what we do. It must be love…“
Have questions? View our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or feel free to contact us.